Dear FMA,
In times of great stress and distress, it can be easy to miss the things that are going well. It can be hard to acknowledge that we have the power within us to affect the change that we want to see. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy sought help returning to Kansas only to find that she had the power to return all along in the ruby red slippers she wore on her feet. Another allegory, Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell (also referenced at the end of this email), serves as a beautiful reminder that sometimes, what we want most, we already have. We just have to be willing to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to see it. During this season, let us remember to be thankful for what we have and for everyone who works tirelessly to support our scholars. It truly takes a village, and FMA's village is strong!
- Word of the Week: Grateful - thankful for someone or something
- SEL Skill of the Month - How to Calm Down (1. STOP - Use your signal; 2. Name your feeling; 3. Calm down - breathe, count, name your feelings)
Important Dates
- 11/15 - Picture day!
- 11/16 - Lockdown Drill 8:30AM
- 11/16 - Site Visit by Dr. Lyndsay Pinkus and CPS Communications Director, Sujahta Wycoff 11:15AM
- 11/17 - Early Release (12PM)
- 11/19 - Progress reports sent home
- 11/24 - Turkey Trot 8:15-10:30AM (Izzy's Park); Early Release 12PM
- 11/25-11/26 - Thanksgiving Break
- 12/3 - Leadership Team Meeting 8:30AM
- 12/6 - Virtual All-School Community Meeting 8-8:30AM
- 12/10 - PTO meeting
- 12/20 - Courageous Conversations 6-7:30PM
- 12/22 - Infection Control Team Meeting (2:30-3PM)