FMA Rules & Policies

General Information
The school day begins with the 1st bell ringing at 7:45AM. A student is considered late if they are not in class by the second bell, which rings at 7:55AM. The day ends at 1:55PM.

Children may not be present on school grounds before 7:30AM unless they are eating breakfast (begins at 7:15AM) since there is no supervision before 7:30AM.

Visitors, especially parents, are always welcomed in the school building. We encourage parents to visit whenever possible, to come have breakfast or lunch with their child, to schedule conferences frequently enough to feel informed and satisfied with their child’s progress or to visit the Parent Center. All outside school doors are to be locked during school hours. The front door will remain unlocked during the morning arrival period, after this time everyone entering the building must ring the doorbell located at the Harvard Street entrance.

All Visitors Should:

  • Always report and sign in at the main office;
  • Be provided with a visitor’s badge;
  • Be prepared to provide identification to school personnel, and
  • Respect all rules.

Morning Announcements
The Fletcher-Maynard Academy begins each day with morning announcements. Announcements will include:

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Moment of Silence
  • Special Announcements
  • Lunch Menu
  • Core Knowledge Daily Phrase
  • Birthdays
  • Weekly Theme

Any faculty, student, or parent wishing to have an announcement read over the morning broadcast may click here to submit the announcement. The information should be brief and carefully worded. Any student that is celebrating a birthday may come to the office (at teacher’s convenience) and make a selection from the birthday basket.

Candy may be eaten only in the classroom under the supervision of a faculty member. CHEWING GUM is not allowed at the Fletcher-Maynard Academy.

The assignment of home study is to advance the educational benefits of individual students and shall be assigned to meet individual’s needs. In implementing this policy, teachers will use discretion while taking into account the individuality of each student. Homework is defined as written or non-written tasks assigned by a teacher to be completed outside the classroom. Homework should complement each class and be relevant to the curriculum. It should be to practice previously taught material and never be used as punishment

Homework Guidelines
Discretion should be used assigning homework. The following outline is offered as a guide. Average time allotment per day for homework:

  • Kindergarten: an average of 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times per week
  • Grades 1-2 an average of 30 minutes per day all subjects combined
  • Grades 3-4 an average of 1 hour per day for all subjects combined
  • Grades 5-6:  an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes per day for all subjects combined.
  • Grades 7-8: departmentalized grades, an average of 2 hours for all subjects combined.

Medication Policy
Over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, may only be given to the student by the school nurse if there is a signed parental consent form. The nurse may give prescription medications, but there must be both a physician order and parental consent form on file for each medication.

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