Reading Bingo

Reading Bingo
Posted on 09/28/2018

By: Ms. Aisha
What is the Reading Rainbow Challenge?
The Reading Rainbow Challenge is a reading incentive program designed to motivate and reward students for reading a variety of books as well as familiarize themselves with finding resources in the library.

How does it work?
Early in the school year, students will be given their first Reading Bingo card. Each time the student reads a book in one of the categories and writes the title of the book in that space. When the entire card is filled out, students will have a parent, guardian, sign the bottom and return the card to the library. (4th and 5th grade students will also check in with their teachers.) Students will receive a prize after finishing the orange, green, and tan colors. When students complete the purple card they are eligible to attend the Purple People Party at the end of the school year. Completed cards will be kept in a binder in the library. 

Why are there specific reading categories on the card?
Listing reading categories serves two purposes: it allows students to use the library catalog to find different kinds of books, and it encourages them to read books about a wide variety of topics.

Other important information

  • You may read the books in any order on your card and choose any titles that fit the categories. The books may come from any source (FMA library, public library, book fair, classroom, friends, home, etc.).
  • Books read in class, by teachers, by a librarian, for class assignments, in a book club and at home may also count.
  • Each grade will have different book categories on their Bingo cards. There are eight card levels (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, tan, pink and purple) for each grade. You may not skip levels. Turn in your card in the library. You will get a new card (color-coded for the next level) when you turn in your completed card.
  • The cards should be signed only when they are completely filled out (before they are turned in to the library). Please do not sign cards until all the spaces on the card are completely filled in. Partially-completed or unsigned cards will not count.
  • Each book counts only once. You may not repeat the same book on two separate cards.
  • The program ends on Monday, June 3, 2019. New cards will not be accepted after that date.

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